About Us
In each Police force area there is an elected Police and Crime Commissioner. The Commissioner is responsible for setting the strategic objectives of the Police force and deciding how funding for local policing and crime reduction is allocated. The first 2 elections took place in 2012 and 2016 when Sue Mountstevens (Independent) was elected Commissioner for Avon and Somerset.
On 6th May 2021, Mark Shelford was elected as Avon and Somerset’s new Police and Crime Commissioner and his role is to be the voice of the public and to hold the Chief Constable to account.
You can find more information about the Commissioner at www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk and www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/News-and-Events/Events-Calendar.aspx
The Police and Crime Panel was also established in 2012 and its purpose is to both support and scrutinise the Commissioner’s work and the decisions she takes. The Panel is made up of councillors from the 9 authorities in the force area and 3 independent members who bring a variety of skills and experience to the role. Somerset County Council acts as the Host Authority for the Panel and is responsible for its administrative and officer support arrangements.
The Commissioner is required by law to consult the Panel on:
- the plans and objectives set out in the Police and Crime Plan
- the Policing budget
- the council tax precept (the money collected from council tax for policing)
- the appointment of certain key officers
The Panel also handles complaints about the Commissioner
Find out more about the Panel’s key roles and responsibilities