Complaints against the Police and Crime Commissioner
The Panel is responsible for handling non-criminal complaints against the Commissioner and conduct matters that are referred back to the Panel by the Independent Office for Police Conduct(IOPC). This body was previously called the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
The Panel’s role in complaints handling is set out in the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2012 and accompanying Home Office Guidance.
Scope of the Panel’s complaints handling role
If your complaint alleges criminal conduct on the part of the Commissioner, it will be recorded and sent to the IOPC. If you send your complaint directly to the IOPC, they will send it to the Panel to record it in the first instance. These are called serious complaints and the IOPC has the option of dealing with the complaint or referring it to the Panel.
Non-criminal complaints against the Commissioner are dealt with by the Panel through a process called informal resolution. Informal resolution is a way of dealing with a complaint by solving, explaining, or settling the matter directly with the complainant, without an investigation or formal proceedings. It is not a disciplinary process, and does not involve the imposition of any sanction.
For more information please read the Panel’s Complaints Handling Procedure Complaints Protocol 280622 Annex A OPCC Flow Chart
Submitting a complaint
The Panel has agreed to delegate responsibility for the initial handling and recording functions to the Chief Executive/Monitoring Officer in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
To make a complaint against the Commissioner, please email:-
or write to:-
The Chief of Staff
Avon and Somerset Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Valley Road
BS20 8JJ
However it is important to note that the Panel is the final arbiter of complaints against the Commissioner. Complaints will be referred to the Panel for informal resolution if:-
- the complainant is not satisfied with how the complaint has been dealt with
- the Chief of Staff considers there to be an actual or perceived conflict of interest in dealing with the complaint
- the IOPC refers a matter back to the Panel
- there is a request for a review/escalation of a complaint by a member of the Panel
Complaints Reports are published when the Panel believes it is in the public interest to do so:-
Complaints about operational policing matters or the conduct of Police officers are dealt with by the Professional Standards Department at Avon and Somerset Police
Complaints about the Chief Constable are dealt with by the Police and Crime Commissioner